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#Java - Code Snippets for '#Apache commons map' - 10 code snippet(s) found

 Sample 1. Usage of Apache Commons - ArrayListValuedHashMap

ListValuedMap<String,String> listValuedMap = new ArrayListValuedHashMap();
listValuedMap.put("United States", "Washington");
listValuedMap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
listValuedMap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
listValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Pretoria");
listValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Cape Town");
listValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Bloemfontein");

System.out.println(listValuedMap); // Values being added to the List and allow even duplicates

   Like      Feedback     apache commons  apache commons collections  ArrayListValuedHashMap  ListValuedMap

 Sample 2. Clear Map entries after expiration time using Apache commons PassiveExpiringMap

PassiveExpiringMap<String,String> cache = new PassiveExpiringMap<String,String>(1000); // Expiration time of 1 sec
cache.put("Key1", "Value1");

   Like      Feedback     expiring cache using map   Clear Map entries after expiration time   PassiveExpiringMap

 Sample 3. Usage of Apache Commons - HashSetValuedHashMap

SetValuedMap<String,String> setValuedMap = new HashSetValuedHashMap();
setValuedMap.put("United States", "Washington");
setValuedMap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
setValuedMap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
setValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Pretoria");
setValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Cape Town");
setValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Bloemfontein");
System.out.println(setValuedMap); // Values being added to the Set and hence doesn't allow duplicates

   Like      Feedback     apache commons   apache commons collections  apache commons map   HashSetValuedHashMap  SetValuedMap

 Sample 4. Write a Program for Graph Depth First Traversal using Apache Commons MultiMap

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;


public class Graph {
   private static Multimap<Integer,Integer> adjacentDirectedNodesMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
   private static Set<Integer> alreadyVisited = new HashSet();
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 2);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 3);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 5);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(2, 4);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(4, 5);
   public static void main(String[] args){
      ArrayList visited = new ArrayList();
      Integer startNode = 1;
   private static void displayAdjacentNodes(Integer integer){
      for(Integer adjacentNodes: adjacentDirectedNodesMap.get(integer)){

   Like      Feedback     graph traversal  depth first algorithm

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 Sample 5. Write a Program for Graph Breadth First Traversal using Apache Commons MultiMap

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


public class Graph {
   private static Multimap<Integer,Integer> adjacentDirectedNodesMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
   private static Set<Integer> alreadyVisited = new HashSet();
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 2);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 3);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(1, 5);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(2, 4);
      adjacentDirectedNodesMap.put(4, 5);
   public static void main(String[] args){
      ArrayList visited = new ArrayList();
      Integer startNode = 1;
   private static void displayAdjacentNodes(Integer integer){
      for(Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<Integer>> adjacentNodes: adjacentDirectedNodesMap.asMap().entrySet()){
         for(Integer integer1:adjacentNodes.getValue()){

   Like      Feedback     graph traversal  breadth first traversal

 Sample 6. Clear Map entries after expiration time using Apache commons PassiveExpiringMap

PassiveExpiringMap<String,String> cache = new PassiveExpiringMap<String,String>(1,TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Expiration time of 1 sec
cache.put("Key1", "Value1");
System.out.println(cache.containsKey("Key1")); // prints true
System.out.println(cache.containsKey("Key1")); // prints false

   Like      Feedback     Clear Map entries after expiration  PassiveExpiringMap  map  apache commons  TimeUnit.SECONDS  Thread.sleep

 Sample 7. Make a map readonly using Apache Commons UnmodifiableMap

Map<String,String> map = new HashMap();
map.put("Key1", "Value1");

Map<String,String> unmodifiableMap = UnmodifiableMap.unmodifiableMap(map);
unmodifiableMap.put("Key2", "Value2"); // throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

   Like      Feedback     readonly map  apache commons

 Sample 8. Make a Map entry read only using Apache Commons UnmodifiableMapEntry

Entry entry = new UnmodifiableMapEntry("Key2", "Value2");
entry.setValue("Value3"); // throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException

   Like      Feedback     read only map entry  UnmodifiableMapEntry  Apache commons collections

 Sample 9. Print all elements of a ListValuedMap ( Apache Commons ) using forEach and System.out::println

ListValuedMap<String,String> listValuedMap = new ArrayListValuedHashMap();
listValuedMap.put("United States", "Washington");
listValuedMap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
listValuedMap.put("Canada", "Ottawa");
listValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Pretoria");
listValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Cape Town");
listValuedMap.put("South Africa", "Bloemfontein");


   Like      Feedback     ListValuedMap  apache commons  System.out::println  collections framework   map

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 Sample 10. Usage of Apache Commons CaseInsensitiveMap

Map<String, String> map = new CaseInsensitiveMap<String, String>();
map.put("US", "Washington");
map.put("us", "Washington DC");
System.out.println(map); // Prints {us=Washington DC} as Keys are case insensitive

   Like      Feedback     CaseInsensitiveMap  Map with Case insensitive keys  apache commons  apache commons collections

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